massage video head face nape neck shoulders cranium

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massage of the head - video massage of the face of the nape of the neck, the shoulders massage head, nape of the neck, neck, face, shoulders Massage of face and cranium:

par Fanny Sylvestre - administratrice 3698 Il y a 0 message de forum.

massage of the head

massage of the face of the nape of the neck, the shoulders massage head, nape of the neck, neck, face, shoulders

Massage of face and cranium

The massage of face and the massage of cranium are a particularly pleasant experiment and the majority of the people will be astonished as for the quantity by tension who are in the head and on the face, in particular around the jaw.

You could possibly practise the massage of the head alone or in combination with massage of the back and the shoulders.

massage of the face

Stages of the massage

 with the inches resting on the face and the ends of the finger to the temples, to smooth towards the outside of the face break up your movement while starting along the eyebrows, while going to the top of the face.
 press between the eyebrows with your inches. Repeat the movement by going up center of the face with. temples
 by using the circular motion of the fingers, to downwards continue the circles along the jaw with the chin.
 use the ends of the fingers for tracert a line under the paumette towards the temples. Repetition, taking the increasingly low line of the cheek each time.
 you serve as the ends of the fingers to extract a great form from moustache from the upper lip than the temples, and to surround the temples.
 press gently around the higher bone of the orbits of the yeuxl, starting from the bridge of the nose to the corner external of the eye. Repetition, then around the orbit maisl under the eyes this time.
 take the ears between your inches and fingers, starting with the lobe and moving around and until behind the top of the ear.
 Support very gently, still while starting with the lobe and to move gradually to the top of the ear.
 flat pose your hands above the eyes. To ask for your partner of breathe several times deeply. To release the hands. easy ways massage - to avoid: The throat is another vulnerable sector of the body. Although the sides and the back of the neck can be massed, to avoid working directly on the throat itself. The face is naturally more oily than the other parts of the body. Unless the receiver has in particular the dry skin, you will not need to add additional oil at this stage.

head massage video

face massage video

nape - neck massage video

head massage video

face massage video

massage of the head

Support the head in the hands and with fingers at the base of cranium, mass the scalp. Slightly draw the hair several times.