kashmiri massage

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Massage in the tradition shivaïte of the Cashmere still called Kashmiri Massage

Technically, the massage is founded on the yogic knowledge of the body and the subtle experiment of the 108 marmas or energy points, similar to the points of acupuncture, and which are connected by the movements of the masseur.

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kashmiri massage

Massage in the tradition shivaïte of the Cashmere still called Kashmiri Massage

Technically, the massage is founded on the yogic knowledge of the body and the subtle experiment of the 108 marmas or energy points, similar to the points of acupuncture, and which are connected by the movements of the masseur. The marmas are energy points or key points, true bridges between the body and the conscience. They are very palpable with the hands. Marma, word Sanskrit, which means secret, hidden is a place of junction or meeting held on the five organic principles: ligaments, vessels, muscles, bone and articulations. These points are the seats of vital energy or prana.

The massage requires before a whole presence this is why it belongs to yoga.

During two hours, in a total absence of distraction, from intention and a capacity to turn into to continuous motions and extremely slow the masseur goes to cover the totality of the body of massed. The use of the hot sesame oil is recommended.

The masseur sat as a tailor (cross legs), massed is in the axis, its legs pass on both sides from the bust of the masseur which can thus reach all the parts of the body without moving and without losing the contact. One starts by massing before body, then the two sides successively before massing the back. The masseur by a simple technique makes rock the body of the patient from one position to another.

The massage cachemirien is a way towards the emotional, body and mental harmony, a yoga with whole share.